
Residential Cleaning Services

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I contact you?

Our office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. If you leave a message outside of these hours, we will respond the following business day.

Will the same employee clean my home on each visit?

When we assign you a cleaning tech, they’ll consistently be your cleaner with a few exceptions like illness, promotions, new opportunities, etc. All CBK employees are trained to provide an exceptional cleaning service and our staff is always respectful in customer homes.

Do you have a guarantee?

We have built our business and reputation by providing the best possible service available. Still, we realize that because we are human or due to miscommunication, we may miss something. Should this happen, please phone our office or email us within 24 hours and we will come up with a solution to fix the problem.

Do I need to supply cleaning products or tools?

We provide our own cleaning products and tools. We balance the use of green cleaning products with effective commercial cleaning products to provide the best clean possible. If you have specific products you prefer, just leave them out and we will gladly use them. To avoid the transference of dirt and dander, we ask that you provide a good working carpet vacuum.

When can I expect CBK to arrive?

You will get an email and text prior to your cleaning with an estimated arrival time. Due to weather or an account before yours going over in time our employees will usually be there within 30 minutes of your scheduled time. You will get a phone call if they’re running late or early to check in. We schedule our cleanings between 9-2 pm each weekday. We try to schedule our cleanings in an order that requires the least amount of drive time in an effort to maintain our prices and avoid trip fees. If you require an AM or PM clean time we will make every effort to accommodate your request, however no exact start times are guaranteed.

How can I change my scheduled clean?

We do our best to stay on a regular schedule. However, if a change is necessary we will let you know as soon as possible and would ask that you do the same. Please go through our office for any scheduling changes. Cancellations made within 3 days of your scheduled cleanings will be charged a fee of 50% of your regular cleaning service price. Same day cancellations, or if we can’t access your property, a fee that equals 100% of your cleaning service will be due. We will try our best to reschedule your cleaning if needed. If you are going out of town, rather than cancel we would like this opportunity to do some deeper cleaning projects such as scrub baseboards, wipe down cabinet fronts, more detailed bathroom cleaning etc. We’re always open to your suggestions. clean the oven or refrigerator, organize the pantry, etc.

What if I don't want a room cleaned?

Please let us know when we get there or via call/text if there’s a room you don’t want cleaned that we normally clean. You can also leave a note out for us.

Do I need to pick up before CBK arrives?

The more your home is clear of clutter, the better we can clean for you. Picking things up off the floor by putting them on beds or the couch is helpful. If there just isn’t enough time and dishes, laundry, projects etc. are left out, it’s no problem; we will skip these areas until the next visit.

How do I pay for my cleaning services?

You may pay in one of these ways:

A few notes:

What happens if I cancel or change my time?

We allocate a block of time for the cleaning of your home. If you request a schedule change, we require 3 days notice to avoid a cancellation fee. If we do not receive a phone call or email within 3 days of your cleaning time, or we are locked out, you may be charged up to the full amount due for your scheduled cleaning. We are happy to work with you to ensure we have appropriate access to your home. Please remember, your time slot is reserved just for you. If you cancel at the last minute it cannot be filled. Scheduling arrangements and changes should be made by contacting our office. CBK employees in the field do not have the ability to make scheduling changes.

How does CBK handle my security system?

If your home is equipped with a security system, please ensure that it is in the “off” position or call our office with the code and proper directions for use. If the code should change, please let us know so you do not incur a lock-out fee.

What happens if something breaks during a clean?

If you have a priceless or irreplaceable item, please store it during the time we are scheduled to clean your home. It is very rare, but occasionally some things do break. Our staff is trained to notify you and our office immediately. Since we are an insured company we will do our best to replace the item. Please inform us at your initial cleaning of items in your home that we should avoid and/or are in ill-repair, i.e. a picture not professionally hung, loose knobs/handles, etc.

What are your holidays?

We are closed on Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Years Day, Easter and the 4th of July. Please check your calendar in advance and let us know if we need to reschedule on other holidays to avoid a Late Cancellation Fee.

What about pets?

We love pets — they’re the best! However, if your pet is even a little bit aggressive, please remove it from areas we need to clean. We will never let your pets outside unless you’ve given us permission to do so. Due to potential health risks we do not clean litter boxes, urine or feces.